Our FECO contains high CBD along with CBG, CBN, terpenes, and flavonoids. Research shows this concentration has possible antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, case study anti-cancer, and anti-fungal phytonutrients. Having all of the components of the cannabis plant available creates an entourage effect inside the human body that promotes homeostasis. When searching for the right FECO product, it’s important to buy from a licensed verified brand that grows amazing plants and cares for our customers.
Benefits: FECO may provide a range of benefits to its users. Currently, doctors prescribe FECO for:
– Pain relief
– Reducing anxiety
– Reducing depression
– Easing of cancer-related symptoms
– Reduction of acne
– Neuro-protection
– Heart health
Serving: To find the amount of CBD that’s right for you, start with a rice-size dosage. Wait two hours, and increase as needed. The taste is bitter to some and has a very earthy taste. Many of our customers place on a cracker or piece of chocolate. Hold in mouth as long as possible to help deliver all of nature’s best plant medicine.
Dose: Rice size on tongue 1-3x per day. New users should consider starting with 1/2 rice grain-sized dosage and raise gradually as needed.
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